Who we are?

Connecting professionals.

Lambda Alpha International ( LAI ) is a global land economics society where top professionals connect. Membership is honorary and selective.
Our 2000+ members make meaningful connections at the local chapter level, and with peers worldwide.
LAI chapters are located in major cities in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, and Asia.

Sharing knowledge.

LAI provides a forum for the exchange of ideas in the fast-paced world of land use and development.
Our members come from a wide variety of fields related to the use and reuse of land. This professional diversity creates a unique blend of perspectives and experience.

Advancing best practices.

LAI is committed to excellence and high standards of professional ethics. Our members are among the best in their respective fields.
We recognize professional excellence through the presentation of prestigious international awards.
LAI supports education and research through the Land Economics Foundation.

What do we do?

  • To recognize and honor men and women in all parts of the world whose achievements have contributed, directly or indirectly, to the advancement of  the science of land economics, to a better understanding of the principles of land economics, or to the practical application of such principles in the preservation, development or better utilization of the world’s resources;
  • To encourage and support the study of land economics and support the highest ideals of scholarship and integrity for all fields  —  professional, business, governmental and academic — in which land economics is studied or practiced;
  • To expand the world’s knowledge and understanding of the principles of land economics and encourage and support the application of such principles to both public policy and private endeavor;
  • To take those actions and support those ideas, individually and collectively, which contribute to the enrichment of our urban and rural environment and benefit the quality of human life; and
  • to advance a close working bond and mutual understanding among men and women engaged in all disciplines and activities related to land economics.

How we do it?


Best practices and Transparency


Investment solutions for sustainability

Expert Advise

To advise functions of financial systems.

Business Plan

implementation with sanctity of contracts in Indian Paradigm. ( After contract runs out before and after)


Enabling legislation for facilitating Urbanics


Designate the infrastructure investment paradigm

Best practices

Best practices and Transparency

Market Research

Thorough  in Indian context


creating parametric environment

LAI Membership

Membership in LAI is highly selective through a nomination process initiated by an active LAI member.

LAI members have:

  • 10 or more years of experience in their fields
  • Distinguished themselves professionally
  • Made an outstanding contribution to the field of land economics
  • Demonstrated a commitment to public service and high standards of professional ethics

Benefits of membership include:

  • Local chapter meetings with meaningful dialogue about issues that matter
  • Twice-yearly international Land Economics Weekends with back-stage VIP access to the workings of a city
  • KeyNotes, our online newsletter
  • Local and global networking opportunities
  • Access to our online member database

From the Desk of President

Anilkumar Hatkar
Founder President, AUM Chapter,
Assistant Vice President, Asia-Pacific, LAI
Chairman & Managing Director, ARCAIDS
Architects, Planners, Project Management Consultants&Surveyors